dare i say it, dare i imagine it, dare i brave it! there is only one answer and that is 'why not!'
it has been an exceptional few years since i last posted a blog entry and in an age where everyone is a blogger i hesitated before embarking on reviving my musings. but for me these posts are going to be essential in sharing the stories, ideas, thoughts, adventures, highlights and behind the scenes of... wait for it....
the return of ENVIE INTERIORS!
over the past 5 years, during this pause, i have been fortunate to be working for the esteemed designer Rachel Ashwell. this opportunity enabled me to continue to hone my interiors skills on multiple levels including pr, retail, merchandising and styling, giving me a 360 degree approach to this industry. it has been invaluable experience and allowed me to return to being freelance a better designer with more rounded experience, confidence and ability
as with my own personal journey ENVIE is an evolution which i will endeavor to continue to grow through shared stories, ideas, thoughts and adventures
it therefore seems fitting that i launch the official website via a blog post. this medium gave me a voice and a means of exploring and expressing myself and will continue on the new site. for those of you who read these posts previously you will see some old favourites have been imported. those of you new to my musings i sincerely hope you enjoy these soundbites and do share your thoughts back!
so with no further delay i invite you all now with a warm welcome to visit
