i never hide that i am a firm believer in my star sign, libra. i don’t come to such conclusions about belief lightly and though i might sometimes speak like my head is in the clouds, i need repeated ‘fact’ to trust my judgement, before i commit to fervently defending my choice. fact for me doesn’t have to be in material form, it can be a feeling. therefore for me to conclude that i have faith in the alignment of my stars at the moment of my birth for having made me who i feel i am, i have had repeated emotional eventualities that have allowed me to trust my gut and know that my head and heart will fall in line, be balanced – the very sign of a libra. then i am a rock and will have the last word should you choose to challenge me. therefore it is completely unsurprising that within interiors i have a love for both a hard, masculine aesthetic as much as i melt for flirty and feminine. striking that balance has become a strength and particularly useful when dealing with couples as clients, as i favour both of their sentimental needs. so whilst i, and all of london, have been swooning over the blooms of the chelsea flower show (which i am super excitedly attending on saturday for the first time) i can’t help but want to restore the balance with a cold cut of concrete… though am sure you will see pretty too is sustained within these images…